Julio 07, 2022
Image: Anemone123, Pixabay
Mexico, Latin America's second-largest economy is home to a growing community of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively seeking to expand their operations and increase their impact.
There are hundreds of these organizations in Mexico, so there will never be a shortage of options for those looking to work with and contribute to an NGO that serves local communities. However, choosing the best one to contribute the most can be complicated, and getting to know it well is essential before making your decision.
To help you get the most out of your search, we wrote this article with the five key elements you should know before choosing an NGO in Mexico.
First: Research the cause you want to support
The first thing to consider before choosing an NGO in Mexico is finding the cause you want to support. Although NGOs focus on issues such as climate change or gender equality, many foundations also focus on a broader range of topics, such as human rights, health, education, and child protection.
In addition, you can find organizations that support a specific immigrant community or affect minorities in the country.
Some will say that it all depends on the cause. But, if it is a cause that is close to your heart and that you want to contribute to, no matter if you donate or volunteer, that will be more than enough.
Second: Learn about the organization's goals and history
It is imperative to thoroughly research the organization you are interested in working with. You can do this by consulting their website and reading their mission, vision, and goals.
With this information, you can also contact the organization's board members or former employees who have worked there to ask them if their actions align with their goals.
It is also critical to know if the NGO or civil society organization (as the Mexican federal government calls it) has applied for authorization to work within the country and is correctly registered in the SAT (that is, the tax administration institution of the country.)
It is also very crucial that the NGO works legally in Mexico, meaning that it follows the Federal Law of Promotion of the Activities of Civil Society Organizations (Ley Federal de Fomento de las Actividades realizadas por las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, in Spanish.)
Third: Does the NGO integrate local communities into its programming?
Not all NGOs only focus on international causes or objectives that involve the entire country as a whole. Many organizations also focus on programs that aim to help local communities.
If you want to endorse this kind of organization, be sure to look for one that is committed to integrating local communities as representatives of the civil society into its programming and is tangible with its goals at a local level.
What matters most in this situation is that NGOs do not get stuck in an only way of thinking or doing something. Life is dynamic, and so are the needs of the people. Mostly in bigger cities when things change pretty quickly, in a good or bad way. But, in local contexts, local communities are vital to macro changes in society.
This reason is why having a healthy agenda within an NGO is fundamental for its existence and achieving its objectives since it shows seriousness, commitment, and the organization's core values.
Fourth: Are your interests aligned with the NGO's mission?
Another important thing to check before choosing an NGO in Mexico is to ensure that your interests make sense with the vision of the NGO you are applying to. For example, if you want to support the reinforcement of education in a specific local area, you should check if the organization's mission aligns with it.
It seems obvious, but it is imperative when choosing one of these organizations that can serve many causes in specific areas within civil society. You can put all your efforts into helping an organization that processes to achieve similar goals to you and your supported causes.
Fifth: Does the NGO raise awareness and educate society?
Like all NGOs, it is crucial that all activists, to a greater or lesser degree, continue to raise awareness and educate the public on issues relevant to the activities of civil society.
This area includes subjects like respect for human rights, social development for marginated people, migration rights, and support for refugee centers.
This constant awareness is a way to maintain relevance and keep these topics at the forefront of society and governmental bodies.
Also, it is vital to ensure that the NGOs under consideration are appropriate. Some NGOs focus on educating the public about a particular issue, while others focus more on raising awareness among the general public in constant activism on highly-talked issues.
Regardless of the size of your contribution, you can make a big difference by joining a network of nonprofits, donating each month, or participating in social justice movements.
Making the right plan can make a big difference in your community, locally and nationally.
At Fundación Esperanza Contigo, we support children's homes in Tijuana and Baja California. We support shelters and new life opportunities for abandoned children and give them powerful tools for their well-deserved future.
Gracias al apoyo de nuestros donantes, así como al esfuerzo de nuestra red de voluntarios, aliados y equipo de trabajo, hemos logrado impactar positivamente la vida de niños y jóvenes en situación de abandono en toda la ciudad.